mandag 22. desember 2008

Bloque i kubansk salsa og timba.

"Basically, this translates to "break" -- a short, syncopated rhythm pattern played by the percussionists in unison, sometimes accentuated by the bass, piano or horns. Traditional salsa tunes might have one or two of these to transition between sections, but Timba can have a dozen or more in a given arrangement. It's mind-bending for non-Cuban musicians to listen to the sheer number of complex bloques that are memorized by Timba musicians for each arrangement. It's almost as if the percussionists are playing a horn chart, but the music stands are nowhere to be seen! The secret, of course, is that these bands rehearse up to 6 times a week. Some, like Bamboleo, have numbered bloques which can be called out like basketball plays, so that in concert a given song will have different bloques from night to night. Timba increases the frequency of bloques, and the complexity of their rhythms (which are often derived from polyrhythmic Afro-Cuban folkloric music), but even more exciting is the placement of the bloques within the arrangement. Instead of reserving them for transitions, the bloques are frequently inserted after a section has begun. Just as the listen lets his or her guard down and settles down to listen to the coro and lead singer, an explosive bloque will erupt from out of nowhere."


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